Legal Notice

According to § 5 TMG:

Responsible for content:

CAMED Pflegeartikel GmbH
Höhebusch 11
51674 Wiehl

Telephone: 02261 / 9475-0
Fax: 02261 / 9475-99


Represented by:
Maik Carels
Managing Partner

Register entry:
Registered in the commercial register
Registration no.: HRB 39453

VAT Identification Number in accordance with  §27(a) of the Value Added Tax Act: DE 812 680 727


Layout & Design:

JKP Werbeagentur GmbH
Auf der Hube 42
57223 Kreuztal

Telefon: 02732 - 7938-0
Telefax: 02732 - 7068

E-Mail: info(at)



Paradise Server IT Solutions
Rahul Mukhopadhyay
Poststraße 20
51580 Reichshof

Telefon: 0 22 96 - 99 9 464
Telefax: 0 22 96- 99 99 525

Disclaimer – Legal Notice

1. Limitation of liability

The content of this website is created with the greatest possible care. The provider cannot however take any responsibility for the content provided being accurate, complete or up to date. Use of the content of the website is made at the sole risk of the user. Contributions identified by name reflect the opinion of the respective author and not always the opinion of the provider. Just using the provider’s website does not establish a contractual relationship of any sort between the user and the provider. 

2. External links

This website contains links to third party websites (“external links”). Their respective operators are responsible for these websites. When the external link was first established, the provider checked the third party content for any infringements of the law. At that time no infringements of the law were apparent. The provider has no influence of any sort on the current and future design and on the content of the linked webpages. The establishment of external links does not mean that the provider claims the content behind the reference or link as the provider’s own. It is unreasonable to expect the provider to continuously check the external links without specific indications of infringements of the law. Upon becoming aware of legal breaches, however, the provider will delete such external links without delay. 

3. Copyrights and neighbouring rights

The content published on this website is subject to German copyright and neighbouring rights legislation. Any use of the material not permitted under German copyright and neighbouring rights legislation requires the prior written consent of the provider or respective rights holder. This is applicable in particular to copying, editing, translating, saving, processing or reproducing content in databases or other electronic media and systems. Third-party content and rights are marked as such. The unauthorised copying or distribution of entire pages is not permitted and is a criminal offence. Only making copies and downloads for personal, private, non-commercial use is permitted. 

Displaying this website in third party frames is only allowed with written authorisation. 

4. Special terms of use

Where special terms for individual users of this website differ from the above provisions, an express indication is given at the corresponding place. In this case the special terms of use apply in that individual case.

Data Privacy Statement

Privacy Policy

Below we would like to inform you about our data privacy statement. Here you will find information on the collection and use of personal data during the use of our website. In this we comply with data privacy legislation applicable to Germany. You can access this statement on our website at any time. 

We should expressly like to point out that transfer of data over the internet (for example, when communicating by email) may have security vulnerabilities and cannot be completely protected from being accessed by third parties. 

The use of the contact data of our Legal Notice for commercial advertising is explicitly prohibited unless we have previously given our written consent or there is already a business relationship. The provider and all other persons named on this website herewith reject any commercial use and distribution of their data. 

Personal data 

You can visit our website without giving personal data. Where personal data (such as names, addresses or e-mail addresses) is collected on our site, this will always take place, as far as possible, on a voluntary basis. These details are not passed on to third parties without your express consent. If a contractual relationship is to be established between you and us or the content of a contractual relationship developed or amended or you send us a request, we will collect and use personal information about you to the extent necessary for those purposes (inventory data). We collect, process and use personal data to the extent that this is necessary to enable you to avail yourself of our web content (usage data). All personal details are only stored as long as necessary for the purpose stated (processing your request or executing a contract). In this connection statutory tax and commercial periods of retention are taken into account. By order of the competent authorities, we may in some cases disclose information about this data (inventory data) where necessary for the purposes of criminal proceedings, for risk prevention, to fulfil the statutory duties of the constitutional protection authorities or military counterintelligence or for the enforcement of intellectual property rights.

Right to information

You have the right to find out free of charge and without delay about your personal data collected at any time. You have the right at any time to revoke your consent to the use of the personal data you have given with future effect. To obtain information please contact the provider at the contact details in the Legal Notice.